December 30, 2014 |
Top is from June 12, 2013, Bottom is from December 30, 2014 |
1 year comparison: Top is 12-20-2013, bottom is 12-30-2014 |
Updated photos are in! This is an 18 month comparison. At my highest weight I was 315lbs. Surgery date June 27, 2013 I weighed 296. Today December 30, 2014 I weigh 180. My goal has always been 160 but I don't know if I will ever get there. I am quite ok with where I am at weight wise. I am a little fed up with some of the loose skin, but I don't think I will ever get rid of that unless I somehow come in to a butt load of money. :)
I look at the photos from June 2013 and I am reminded of the stay puff marshmallow man. I look so bloated and uncomfortable. Nowadays I feel healthy and amazing. I am always telling my husband that I don't feel as small as some people think I look. When I look at these photos though, I can see what they see. It's an amazing transformation.