My journey to weight loss has begun. Well actually, it has been a journey for a while, but I finally made the step to do something that is permanent about my weight loss. Here is the nitty gritty about where I am at in my life. I am 5'5" and I weight 312 pounds. My BMI is 52. This is the most I have ever weighed. I have so many health problems. I have acid reflux like you wouldn't believe. It has woken me up on many occasions. Many sleepless nights. Speaking of sleep, I have to wear a mask when I sleep because I have Sleep Apnea. It sucks. I have leg swelling because I sit on my fat butt all day at work. I have stress incontinence, which means my bladder leaks. Gross huh! Yea I know, it is. I am 32 and I sometimes have to wear a diaper. So those are some of the issues I am dealing with because of my weight.
The seminar tonight really opened my eyes to the benefits of the weight loss surgery. It also helped me to realize the way things will be after the surgery. I have had two friends who have had the surgery. I want to talk to them and find out their stories and get their support. Tomorrow, September 25, 2012 is when my husband and I have our consults with the bariatric surgeon. It's exciting but scary at the same time. Also starting tomorrow, I am going to do a photo diary of my journey. I will post a photo each week. I know there will be some criticism about the way I look, and that is fine. I know how I look, which is one reason I don't look in the mirror.
So here it is, the beginning to the end of being MORBIDLY OBESE.
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